
Curriculum Goals Blackawton Nursery

Welcome to Nursery

Nursery Supervisor: Joanne Mitchell

Nursery Assistants: Gina Springer and Teagan Green​ 

Valuing the cultures of children and families

Every child and family who joins Blackawton Primary School will bring their own knowledge and experiences that will link to their culture and wider family.

Getting to know children and families and building warm, positive relationships is crucial so that families feel comfortable and settled.  We welcome all families to visit the school so they can share who they are and what is important to them.

The staff in our Foundation Stage take time to observe the children, joining-in with play, and talking and chatting together, to understand your children’s interests; what they can do and any difficulties they might have. By listening to families and finding out what your children enjoy and like to do (or don’t), and any worries they might have, will help with planning relevant and stimulating play and learning experiences.

Providing a rich and varied curriculum that builds on children’s experiences and cultures

In the early years, the children at Blackawton benefit from a flexible curriculum that builds on what they understand and know already. This includes thinking about and planning for any particular special educational needs or disabilities. As well as responding to children’s interests, new and inspiring experiences are planned so children enjoy a sense of ‘awe and wonder’.

Children can expect to experience:

  • A wide range of opportunities.   
  • Adults who encourage and model language and vocabulary during play that helps to build confidence and fluency.
  • Pretend and dramatic play with open-ended materials, such as cardboard boxes, blocks or found objects, to nurture creativity and imagination, and foster children’s relationships and communication. 
  • Facilitating high-quality interactions enabling children to develop their language and ideas, to think critically, problem-solve and reflect (‘sustained, shared thinking’). For example, as well as positive comments that might be made about a child’s work, children could be asked to reflect on what they like, or why they chose particular materials, or how they might solve a problem or develop an idea further.  
  • Children will benefit from ‘in-depth’ learning experiences, i.e. time to become deeply involved and immersed in their activities, rather than just ‘skimming the surface’. Learning will be extended further with the addition of new resources or materials, or through a story, song, or information books linked to the child’s enquiry.
  • Trips, visits and outings within the local area to help to deepen and enrich learning.   

Our skilled and knowledgeable staff plan enticing opportunities to support and extend learning for all children. Our Reading Like a Champion Book Bags provide a good range of quality story books for parents to share with their children at home. Sharing books will support many different areas of learning, including language and literacy.  In the Nursery the children read together in small groups, where their attention is drawn to the pictures and words, asking and inviting questions to expand on children’s thinking, their social skills and knowledge of books, vocabulary and ‘book language’. Learning might be deepened further by incorporating props, and exploring the story through role-play, drama or small-world. Songs, rhymes or music that link to the text enhance learning still more.  The children enjoy weekly music and singing sessions with our Literacy Lead.

Our curriculum is ambitious and aspirational for all our children enhancing the cultural capital of every child and family.