Here at Blackawton Primary School, we educate children so they can live great lives.
We inspire children to develop the knowledge and character that enable them to leave school ready to lead rewarding lives in a rapidly changing world. Cultural, sporting and artistic experiences help them discover their full potential. They further develop character through a resilient, determined and positive response to challenge. We want students to leave with the academic qualifications, skills and personal attributes that open doors to a fulfilling future.
Character Education is the wider personal development of a child beyond the academic education they receive in school. It aims to instil in pupils a number of key characteristics and values such as resilience, honesty, motivation and humility, all of which will help them in their adult lives.
At Blackawton, we deliver Character Education through our Eleven by Eleven programme of opportunities and experiences.
Eleven by (age) Eleven – all pupils in ESW primary schools will have opportunities and experiences across the following areas by the time they move onto secondary school at the age of eleven.
Eleven by (year) Eleven – all students in ESW secondary schools will have opportunities and experiences across the following eleven areas by the time they end year eleven.
The Eleven areas are…
Leadership – Our children are the leaders of tomorrow and we create rich opportunities for pupils to work in teams and learn by leading both in their schools and across the trust. At Blackawton we have many opportunities for children to become leaders; including sitting on the School Council, being a Wildlife Champion, a Digital Leader a Play Leader, a House Captain, a Librarian and a Right’s Respecting Ambassador.
Performing Arts – The performing arts encourage children to explore their emotions, expand their imagination and helps them develop their own, unique voice. Children experience a wide range of performing arts opportunities throughout their time in our school, both as a performer and as a member of an audience.
Wellbeing/Mental Health/First Aid – We give pupils the skills to look after themselves and their friends and families so they can stay mentally and physically fit and strong. Both through curriculum content and a programme of events and visitors we focus on developing children’s awareness and skills in these crucial areas.
Cultural Visits – We organise a range of visits and trips to cities, museums and galleries to help children to understand and appreciate the rich heritage and cultural diversity both locally and beyond our immediate community. For example visiting the RAMM to enhance learning about Roman Britain.
Local Community Involvement – As schools we value our position in our local communities. Through our strong links and programmes we promote connection, belonging and responsibility to the community of the village of Blackawton, the South Hams and beyond.
Sports – At Blackawton Primary, we give pupils the opportunities to take part in a range of sports, represent their school in tournaments and matches and make links with local sports clubs in the community. We take part in local sports events and join in with sports tournaments with children in other Education South West schools.
Environmental Activities/Awareness – At Blackawton we have strong links with the Devon Wildlife Trust and have formed a thriving Wildlife Champions group. Through discussion, debate and direct action, we help our children to understand how to look after and improve the natural environment and how they can improve the world in which we live.
Careers/Preparation for the world of work – We help our children to gain the basic knowledge and skills they need to begin navigating their way successfully through career choices and changes.
Outdoor Education – Through our work in our forest school and through our trips and residentials, we give children regular opportunities to experience outdoor activities and explore the natural world in an exciting and inspiring way. Children in Year 4, 5 and 6 also experience a residential trip each year when they visit an activity centre in Devon.
Wider World Culture – Through meaningful links with organisations, schools and charities we help our children to develop an understanding of and respect for the ways that people live across the world.
Learning a New Skill/After School Clubs – Through our extra-curricular activities we give our children the opportunity to develop their skills and learn new ones. Details of clubs can be found on the weekly school newsletter.