Outdoor Learning

Learning in the Natural Environment

​Outdoor Learning is a key facet of our emphasis on learning outdoors. Every child in school from Nursery to Class 5, enjoys Outdoor Learning every week, all through the year, whatever the weather – Easy to do when you have our wonderful facilities.​

Outdoor Learning is carefully planned and linked to class topics. The activities and projects children take part in are designed to support many curriculum areas as well as the children’s understanding of the World around them, with a particular focus on health and well-being. The children enjoy practising and deepening their skills in real-life contexts that have direct relevance to them. Given the nature of outside learning, children are expected to assess their own risks to keep themselves and each other safe – a fundamental life skill.​

We teach practical skills, from safe fire lighting to campfire cooking and safe use of tools, playing active games, as well as exploring nature and the seasons. We haven’t found anything we can’t teach outside – from Vikings to rhythm and music making, and from poetry and storytelling to science experiments and maths in the mud kitchen. Children learn to be attuned to the natural world whilst learning to care for the environment around us.