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The IMPLEMENTATION of our curriculum has been carefully considered and is delivered through the core values that are expressed through the Blackawton Way. 

Each subject has a long-term map that explicitly identifies and sequences the core knowledge and concepts that children learn across each cycle or unit of work. This is the foundational knowledge we want all children to recall. 

The curriculum contains:

  • regular retrieval and spaced practice to form durable, long-term memories of knowledge, expertise and understanding. This frequent and systematic revisiting is also designed to develop vocabulary, literacy and numeracy which are fundamental to all learning.

  • identified resources, such as knowledge organisers that precisely stipulate relevant tier 2/3 vocabulary and the core knowledge for each cycle/unit of work.

  • explicit strategies to support children in self-regulating their learning and developing meta cognitive skills

Reading is the cornerstone of our learning at Blackawton, we believe it is the key which unlocks learning and encourage everyone to read whether it be for pleasure or information. In order to provide our pupils with the very best foundations we follow the Read Write Inc scheme, more information can be found here.


All subject content is ambitious and challenging for pupils at each stage in their learning. Where subjects carry heavy substantive knowledge for individual year groups (Science, History and Geography) pupils will be taught in those year groups to support this knowledge acquisition.

The learning environments facilitate curiosity and independent learning, where children can challenge themselves; expectations (of children and adults) are high and knowledge and skills are built upon year on year. There is a strong ethos of using the outdoors to enrich learning. Children and staff at Blackawton are encouraged to ask the question, ‘why am I doing this indoors?’ To support this approach one of our fields has been turned into our sixth ‘classroom’. It features a poly tunnel, raised beds, an amphitheatre and Forest School zone. We believe learning at Blackawton should have no boundaries.

We have high expectations for the IMPACT of our curriculum. Pupils will have the knowledge and skills, as a firm foundation, for the rest of their educational journey. A Blackawton pupil, will be eloquent, have high aspirations for the future, will be an enquiring independent learner, who is thoughtful about the world around them and resilient to change or failure. During their journey through our school, we will have provided the children with rich curriculum opportunities, enabling them to open the door to a world of possibilities.

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