At Blackawton Primary School we have a school non-uniform policy. However, it is important that children are ready for learning and clothed appropriately so that they can access the full curriculum and reflect our core principles encapsulated in the “Blackawton Way.”
• No offensive slogans on clothing.
• Caps, hats and hoods to be removed in the school building.
• Safe and appropriate footwear to be worn. No flip-flops or backless sandals, high-heeled shoes, Crocs or wellington boots (in school).
• Appropriate and safe clothing for quality teaching and learning to happen.
• Appropriate clothing which covers all of the tummy area.
• Wet-weather gear and wellingtons (walking boots) for Outdoor Learning.
• In wet weather and the winter months, a change of footwear is required for the field.
• Appropriate swimwear in the summer term when taking part in swimming lessons.
Children should not wear items of jewellery at school. The exception to this rule is where a child has had ears pierced and needs to wear a “sleeper”. In such cases these must, for safety reasons, be of a stud type, and not rings.
Long hair should be tied back neatly. Please ensure also that hair bands, clips etc are of an appropriate simple type and not too ornate or fashionable.
Open-toed sandals and shoes with a heel are considered inappropriate.
PE and the Daily Mile
Everyday all children take part in the daily mile. For this they need to be wearing footwear that enables them to run. We recommend that all children wear trainers.
On days when the class have PE (classes 2 – 5) children are expected to wear a PE kit. This consists of black shorts or joggers, black jumper or hoodie and a plain white t-shirt. We recommend that children wear trainers.